Получих писмо от полски колега домашен пивовар,активист,със предложение за участие в учредяване на Европейска Асоциация на Домашните Пивовари ето и част от писмото:
...аlso, 5 years ago with friends we had created Polish Homebrewers Association, an organisation promoting not only home brewing, but also beer culture; something that spontaneously changed into beer revolution. Now our organisation has about 700 members, we are organising second biggest (after USA) homebeer contest in the world, editing our magazine Piwowar and learning homebrewers how to brew better beers.
Funny thing, we were so occupied about our country and beer revolution that we hadn't thought about other European countries, hadn't learned from them and we didn't tried to spread our experiences further. On the webpage of our society you won't find anything in English and despite most of us speaks good English, only few were searching for inspiration in other European countries.
But when we did, the whole new world opened for us. We didn't knew that Italy is one of the best craft beer country, as well that in Spain you have to pay extra if you are small brewery. In the countries with reach beer tradition (like Germany and Czech Republic) the brewers don't like to experiment and if they brew more that 200 litres per year, they have to pay extra taxes. Of course those are just simple examples.
We want to change that, go further and exchange our experiences. We would want to see, if we can learn from each other, if we can work together. Our idea is to create a platform for exchanging contacts and ideas, represent different organisations and individuals, cultures and needs. Such a platform should work both ways: inside - connecting us - and outside - representing us - homebrewers, beer lovers - outside of Europe and to other groups not connected to the beer phenomenon.
With Jens Davidsen from Norwegian organisation Norbrygg for some time already we were discussing the idea how we can create something, that we called European Homebrewers Association and what maybe someday may become official. Here are our thoughts:
We had created Facebook group (I don't like this webpage but it can be an useful tool) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1501656550124385/
Within this group we want to gather official and natural representatives of homebrewers and beer judges organisations or active craft beer enthusiasts. (I think more or less fluent English is a
must.) Through the group we can write to each other, introduce ourself and keep in touch better.
Our further plan is to meet in person on 18th-20th of September in Warsaw. The details of the meeting will be created later on, when we will have some idea abut the numbers of participants, but introducing our organisations/countries seems mandatory. We know little about the level of organisation among homebrewers in different countries and we need to change that. If we will think that creating meta-organisation, such as European Homebrewers Association is a good idea, we can talk about how it should be organised and what goals should it have. Maybe we will have some other ideas what can we do together, we hope that the meeting would be an inspiration to all of us.
In Poland we have a saying, that good beer should unite and not divide people. I am sure that via our common hobby we can find common language as well.
If anything of what I wrote above makes sense for you, I would kindly ask you to:
- join the FB group,
- join the meeting in Warsaw on September,
- spread this world to anyone who may care.
We will wait some time for a group to form, then we will try to introduce ourself briefly, exchange our views on the idea and start to prepare for the actual meeting.
What will became from all of this? We'll see, keep your fingers crossed!
All best
Paweł Leszczyński
Мнението на УС е ,че трябва да подкрепим с всички сили,създаването и участието ни в такава общоевропейска организация на домашните пивовари.
Аз,лично вече си запазих датата 18/20 септември, за да пътувам до Варшава за среща на инициаторите....